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user interface


Here I'll present my UI prototypes, where I have created different websites to show my work and what I know. I tend to use plugins such as Unsplash and Icons8, and I also work with components so my designs will be organized and adaptable.

City Hall website templates

I have created 4 different designs for city halls here in Brazil. I conducted some research and I found out that the most used services are IPTU(Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano), Health, Contact, Tourism, and Transparency which I generated designs for.


Click on each image and you will be redirected to the Figma prototype of each template I have created.


Spotify initial page redesign

A simple redesign for Spotify's initial page, I have surveyed some people about the pain points of using Spotify in the web browser, here are some of my insights about that:

  • Most people like to create and listen to a playlist instead of searching for the whole album, so I kept the playlists visible on the main page.

  • New users get confused with the menu regardless of the fact that it is all displayed on the home page, so I've created an overlay menu to keep the website clean\ and simple.

  • Users get confused when creating a new playlist, they ask questions like "where did I go?", "where is it saved?", and "I didn't put this name on my playlist...". To solve this problem, I have created a new space for playlists at the overlay menu, so the user can see it more clearly.

  • All the users surveyed reported that they are frustrated with the number of recommendations they see of for artists they don't listen. So, I've put the recommended artists at the bottom of the page.


Website for hourly employees 

A Website for hourly employees to clock in and out of work, this website also have overtime hours, justify absences and missing work hours.

There's also a profile for the employee and history for worked hours and overtime hours.


Landing Pages Templates

Some simple templates I'm working on for small business to inform features, services and contact information.

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